Welcome to this month's newsletter. We share our new Shadowmatch website and demo-video, dates to look out for, an article to help you build habits for success, a quick system tip and our exciting showcase at King Price.
Happy reading!

Exciting News of the Month
We are pleased to announce that we recently updated and re-launched the Shadowmatch website. The website is now your one-stop shop for all information about Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid. The aim of the website is to make access to Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid information easy for our clients and consultants. We have also expanded our 'Resources' section to provide rich and value-adding research articles and case studies showing the impact that Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid has in real-life environments. All the information you need is now only a click away.
Shadowmatch Demo Video
You have been using Shadowmatch for years, or you are a new client, and you would like to share this powerful tool with someone new. No problem! We have compiled a 15-minute demo video for you to share which explains what Shadowmatch is and quickly show the main functionalities of the system. Click on the Shadowmatch logo above to view the video.
Dates to remember:
6 September 2018Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid Demo
20 September 2018Personal Growth Habit Workshop
11 October 2018 Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid Demo
Click here to book your seat for any of the above sessions.
Building Habits for Success
The work-place is more than a productive space. It is where most people spend the best and the most time of their lives. Employers must be aware of the fact that this (the work-place) becomes the dominating force that shapes the well-being, success and happiness of employees. It must be done with a good understanding of responsible employment. Click here to read more.
System Tip of the Month
From our client survey, it seems that few clients use the Recruitment Specification function on the system. The Recruitment Specification highlights the most critical habits necessary for success as well as certain habits or a specific attitude that should not be present in candidates applying for a job. Follow these easy steps to generate a Recruitment Specification now.
Step 1: Select the department for which you want to create a Recruitment Specification.

Step 2: Select your 'Shadowmatch / Benchmark'

Step 3: Select 'Shadowmatch Recruitment Specification' in the top menu bar of the Shadow / Benchmark you have selected.

Step 4: Complete the necessary details and the system will compile a Recruitment Specification for you based on the habits of the benchmark compiled for the department.

Under 'Shadowmatch - Reports' on the website you can find an example of a Recruitment Specification, as well as example reports of Shadowmatch and Skillsgrid functionalities.
Client Feature

King Price has done a full system implementation and their Shadowmatch specialist did an analysis of the data to identify trends that might drive high staff turnover, quality (QA) and even absenteeism in the sales department. This trend analysis was discussed by Michelle de Villiers at the King Price Showcase on 23 May 2018 and again on 28 June 2018.
The information session gave a whole new viewpoint of the value of Shadowmatch and how your current Shadowmatch data can help you better understand performance and behavioural culture.
The main discussion points were:
- Behaviour that drives staff turnover
- Recruiting
- On-boarding
- Employee engagement
- Performance trends: quality, multiple benchmarks, absenteeism
If you were unable to attend you can watch the summary video or the full session now.